I'm looking at several options on how to move forward with future releases. So, if you could take a few moments, please answer some of the questions I have listed below.
Some context: I'm seriously considering offering print and eBooks for sale outside the traditional channels (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, etc.). Of course, with these offerings, I'd include things you wouldn't be able to get via the traditional outlets such as signed hardcovers, bookmarks, and additional swag.
Thanks in advance for your input.
Which Interests You More?
A crowdfund campaign for future releases
Buying my books directly from my website
I'm happy with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
Would You Purchase/Back a Hardcover Version of My Books?
How Interested Are You in Receiving an eBook as Part of a Crowdfunded Campaign?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested at all
What is Your Level of Interest in Owning a Signed Copy of a Paperback?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
No interest at all
What is Your Level of Interest in Owning a Signed Copy of a Hardcover?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
No interest at all
And that's it.