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Cover Reveal and Release Date - The Revenant and the Tomb.

Herman P. Hunter

Well, things are really moving along. So I thought I'd update everyone on what's going on with The Revenant and the Tomb.

The Launch

I have the manuscript out being formatted at present. My hope was to release the book January 2022, however, after careful consideration, I'm pushing that back. The tentative date is now March 3rd, 2022. That's when - theoretically - the books will be available in the stores (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and so on). I really wanted to get this out before January, but it takes 14 days before I get the formatted books back. This means, at best, I could release the end of January, beginning of February. Before then I need to secure ISBN numbers, and I also need to purchase a fair amount of copies for ARCs. This costs money, and pushing off the release allows me to juggle purchasing this stuff while keeping my family in the black, financially. Doing a semi-professional job doesn't come cheap.

The second reason has to do with promoting the book.

The Promotion

A pushback on launch allows me to run the promotion I promised: offering a free PDF of The Revenant and the Tomb for anyone who subscribes to my mailing list. I didn't want people buying the book, liking it, only to discover that they could have gotten it for free simply by signing up for my mailing list. Pushing the release off until March gives me the time to run a two-week or even a month's promotional period. I've yet to decide on the time period.

Here's how it will work: You subscribe to my website, and when you do you'll receive an email that contains a password that can be used to access a special "Promo" menu. Enter in the password, and you will have access to the PDF via a PDF viewer built into my website. This will ONLY be available when accessing my site from a PC. From there you can either read the book, or download the PDF, and read it later. Downloading and reading it later is highly recommended.

For mobile users, the process will be the same, however, you will only be given a button to download the PDF to your device. In testing this feature, I discovered early on that the PDF viewer controls available to me did not work well from phones and tablets. So, I will only allow a download.

Once the promotion is over, the Promo menu and password will still be active for another two weeks, allowing you to download your PDF or finish reading it directly from the site. After that, I will shut off access completely.

Secondly, I have paid to have someone read the first chapter of the book, and will be releasing this as a video on my YouTube, Rumble, and Locals channels. This will be available sometime the first week of January 2022.

The Cover Reveal

Finally, after several weeks of work, I have a cover for my novella, courtesy of

("Ohhhs" and "ahhhs" are appreciated at this point)

I wanted something different from the standard book covers - something that hinted at some of the details of the book, but didn't recreate a scene. Lo and behold, the artists at EBook Launch did a fantastic job, in my opinion. All I needed was a couple of tweaks, and it was done.

So, that's it with this update. Keep a sharp eye out for future announcements on The Revenant and the Tomb.


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Frankie stares out at the great fortress of Eaufen Mirrinholm.  

Art by Zach Bradley.

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